Marion Bosetti
Marion Bosetti (1994, FR) studied ballet, contemporary dance, music and anatomy at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Danse in Paris. In 2014 she joined the Atelier Rudra Béjart in Lausanne, where she practiced ballet, modern dance, singing, percussions, kendo and performed Maurice Béjart’s repertoire. In the Netherlands she danced as a freelancer for several choreographers, Herman van Veen and performed for visual artists.
Productions: The Balancing Act (2023), Joy Enjoy Joy (2022), Creating Joy (2021), Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022), FF+REW 60:00 Revisited (2018), The Black Piece (reprise)

Sjoerd Bruil
Sjoerd Bruil (1981, NL) studied English literature at Utrech University. Through his studies he ended up in Antwerp in 2001 and since 2004 he focused on music with the band Sukilove. Since then he played in numerous groups. Currently he plays for Gruppo Di Pawlowski, Millionaire, Kenji Minogue and Dez Mona. With his own band, Black Cassette, he has released two LPs. He has worked as a composer for theatre (Theater Zuidpool, Eisbär), film (Plan Bart) and television (13 geboden).
Productions as performer: Memory Loss Collective (2020), Blueprint on Memory (2018)

Louis Combeaud
Louis Combeaud (1984, FR) studied law at the Université Montesquieu – Bordeaux IV. He studied dance at the Coline Compagny in Marseille and later at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels. He has worked in Iceland with Vedis Kiartansdöttir, Inga Huld and Simon Portigaln and at Charleroi Danses with Pierre Droulers. He has also performed in pieces by Michel Kéléménis and Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. He has been part of WArd/waRD’s company since 2014.
Productions: The Balancing Act (2023), Joy Enjoy Joy (2022), Creating Joy (2021), Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022), Loops of Behaviour (2018), Accusation Solo (2017), Accusations (2017), Pushing The Wheel (2015), The Black Piece (2014), We Solo Men (reprise)

Gregory Frateur
Gregory Frateur (BE) is well-known for being a member of the Belgian band Dez Mona. The band plays a combination of jazz, gospel, pop and spirituals. His most notable characteristic is his great vocal range. For The Red Piece by Ann Van den Broek, Dez Mona composed a number of new songs for the music composition of the piece. And in The Black Piece (2014), Gregory Frateur could be heard and seen on film. He collaborated again with Ann Van den Broek in Accusations (2017). They were both inspired by Peter Handke’s play, Selbstbezichtigung. He can also be seen as a performer in a number of productions.
Productions as performer: Creating Joy (2021), Memory Loss Collective (2020), Zooming in on Loss (2020), Loops of Behaviour (2018), Accusation Solo (2017), Accusations (2017)

Anthony van Gog
Anthony van Gog (1996, NL) studies at the Institute of Performative Arts, Maastricht. During his study he is being educated in different art disciplines such as Performance Art, Installation Art, Word, Theater and Physical Movement. He was tutored by Guilherme Miotto, Peter Missotten, Joris Camelin and Anna Luyten. Next to his study he follows a Minor in Philosophy at the University of Maastricht. In his own work he is always searching for an interweaving between the Theatrical and Fine Arts. He performs for Ward/waRD since 2018.
Productions: The Balancing Act (2023), Joy of the Hip video (2022), Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022)

An Hackselmans
An Hackselmans (1978, BE) studied acting and graduated in 2005 from the Toneelacademie Maastricht. Since then she has been performing in, creating and directing productions for various companies in Belgium and the Netherlands: Rotheater, Het Zuidelijk Toneel, NTGent, Theater Artemis, Het Gevolg, ’t Arsenaal, Speelman, Boulevardfestival, Compagnie Gorilla. In 2018 she also joined the team of instructors of the Directing Department at the Toneelacademie.
Productions: Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022), Accusations (2017)

Karolina Krynicka
Karolina Krynicka (PL) studied classical piano in Warsaw as well as choreography at Academy of Music in Lodz and contemporary dance at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London. Due to Karolina’s diverse education, she worked as a musician, dancer and performer with various multidisciplinary artists such as Grzegorz Laszuk, Heidi Rustgaard and Rachel Monosov. Since 2016 she also created her own works such as Pochwała ciała/The prise of the body (2016), Task 1 (2018), and Casual.Observers (2020). Karolina is co-founder of Stichting Triplets based in Amsterdam. She joined WArd/WaRD as an intern during Memory Loss, after which she became part of the crew.
Productions: Ohm (reprise, 2023), Joy Enjoy Joy (2022), Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022)

Frauke Mariën
Even though Frauke Mariën (1982, BE) feels she is more of a musician than a dancer, she feels at home in both worlds: she graduated from P.A.R.T.S. in 2004 and then attended the Antwerp conservatory to study the oboe and the violin. Since then she has been a freelance performer in dance, theater and music projects. Sometimes as a dancer, at others as a musician or as a (co-)choreographer. She has also performed with several orchestras and smaller ensembles.
Productions: Joy Enjoy Joy (2022), Creating Joy (2021), Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022), Loops of Behaviour (2018), FF+REW 60:00 Revisited (2018), Accusations Solo (2017), Accusations (2017), Pushing The Wheel (2015), The Black Piece (2014), Q61 Cemetery (2014), Q61 (2011), Co(te)lette film (2010), Ohm (2010), FF+REW 60:00 (2005), Co(te)lette (reprise)

Jean-Gabriel Maury
Jean Gabriel Maury (1991, FR) started training contemporary dance intensively in 2007 for four years at Opus Ballet school in Florence (IT). He followed his training by entering Codarts Rotterdam Dance Academy in 2011 where he graduated in 2013. He danced for different choreographers at Scapino Ballet from 2013 until 2017. In 2017 he joined the WArd/waRD company.
Productions: The Balancing Act (2023), Ohm (2023), Joy Enjoy Joy (2022), Creating Joy (2021), Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022), FF+REW 60:00 Revisited (2018), Accusations (reprise)

Kamil Pilarski
Kamil Pilarski (1993, PL) studied acting and dance at the PWST National Academy for the Theater Arts in Crocow – Faculty of the dance theater in Bytom (2012-2017). In 2014 he did the Erasmus+ exchange program at Codarts Rotterdam Dance Academy. In the years 2016-2018 Kamil worked as a dancer at the Rozbark Movement and Dance Theater in Bytom. He worked as a personal assistant of Ann Van den Broek during the creations Accusations and FF+Rew 60:00 Revisited. Since then he is a part of the WArd/waRD company.
Productions: The Balancing Act (2023), Ohm (2023), Joy Enjoy Joy (2022), Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022), FF+REW 60:00 Revisited (2018 – assistant), Accusations (2017 – assistant)

Nik Rajšek
Nik Rajšek (1993, SI) started his dance education in 2011 at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten – Moderne Theaterdans and graduated in 2015. During his studies, he did internships at Club Guy and Roni in Groningen, and later he performed with the Slovenian company And-Knap. He has been part of the WArd/waRD company since 2015.
Productions: The Balancing Act (2023), Joy Enjoy Joy (2022), Creating Joy (2021), Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022), FF+REW 60:00 Revisited (2018), Loops of Behaviour (2018), Accusations Solo (2017), Accusations (2017), We Solo Men (reprise), Pushing The Wheel (reprise), The Black Piece (reprise)

Nicolas Rombouts
Nicolas Rombouts (1977, BE) is a musician, an audio tinkerer, as well as an engineer, mixer and producer. For thirteen years, he and Gregory Frateur were the key members of Dez Mona. He composes music and soundscapes for theater productions by companies such as Theater Artemis and InVitro. His music is very expressive and he uses that same expressiveness in soundtracks for short films. Nicolas Rombouts also plays the (double) bass with artists like Guido Belcanto, Stef Kamiel Carlens, cellist Simon Lenski, Stanton, Geert Hellings and Matt Watts. He has been involved in the productions of WArd/waRD since 2013. Not only did he make soundscapes for the productions, but was also a consultant for the performance content of his compositions.
Productions as performer: Memory Loss Collective (2020), Pushing The Wheel (2015), Accusations (2017)

Isaiah Selleslaghs
Isaiah Selleslaghs (1998, BE) studied Moderne theaterdans (2016-2020) at Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. She worked with Liat Tamar Waysbort, Antonin Comeztas, Dunja Jócic and Cristina Planas Leitão. She did internships at Opera Zuid and Club Guy & Roni. During the creation process of Memory Loss, she was intern at WArd/waRD. After this, she became part of the WArd/waRD crew.
Productions: The Balancing Act (2023), Ohm (2023), Joy Enjoy Joy (2022), Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022)

Aryeh Weiner
Aryeh Weiner studied at the Bat Dor school of Dance in Tel Aviv Israël and at s.u.n.y. Purtchase Art College in New York USA and coached by Kazuko Hirabayashi and other such as: Maggy Black, David Howard and Milton Meyers. As a professional dancer Aryeh danced since 1979 with Bat Dor dance company (Tel Aviv) – directed by Miss. J. Ordman, Ohad Naharin and Dancers (New York City), José Limón Dance Company (New York City) – directed by Carla Maxwell. From 1982 Aryeh was dancing with the Nederlands Danstheater under direction of Jiri Kylian until 1998. A total of 20 years professional Dance career.
In 1998 Aryeh began his work as Dance Teacher and Rehearsal director by : Kibbutz Dance Company, Rotterdam Dance Academy, Arnhem Dance Academy, Scapino Ballet, Dance Works Rotterdam, Itzik Galili Dance Company and Dancecompany Krisztina de Châtel, Dance Group Amsterdam, Introdans in Arnhem, Dans-Etage in The Hague , Dansateliers in Rotterdam and Henny Jurriens Foundation in Amsterdam. Aryeh received a Didactic Diploma for teaching in college education in 2005. Since 2004 he is a member of the faculty dance of ArtEZ – University of the Arts in Arnhem – the Netherlands.
Productions: Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022)

Former performers
- Alice Gioria FF+REW 60:00 (revisited) (2018)
- Andreas Kuck The Black Piece (2014), Q61 Cemetery (2014), The Red Piece (2013), Q61 (2011), We Solo Men (2009)
- Carla Guerra The Balancing Act (2023), Ohm (reprise, 2023), Joy Enjoy Joy (2022), Creating Joy (2021), Memory Loss Collection (2018-2022)
- Cecilia Moisio Q61 (2011), Co(te)lette film (2010), Ohm (2010), We Solo Men (2009), I SOLO MENT (2008), Co(te)lette (2007)
- Dafne Maes FF+REW 60:00 (2005)
- Dario Tortorelli Q61 Cemetery (2014), Q61 (2011), We Solo Men (2009), I SOLO MENT (2008), E19 (richting San José) (2006)
- Davide Pietro Cocchiara The Red Piece (2013)
- Einat Tuchman Rest Room (2003 – concept, choreography and performance in cooperation with Ann Van den Broek
- Estelle Delcambre FF+REW 60:00 (revisited) (2018), E19 (richting San José) (2006), FF+REW 60:00 (2005)
- Francesca Monti Q61 Niche 5 (2014), The Black Piece (2014), Q61 Cemetery (2014), The Red Piece (2013)
- Gabrielle Aidulis Memory Loss (2020)
Iuri Costa Memory Loss (2020) - Jan Deboom Pushing the Weel (2015), The Black Piece (2014), Q61 Cemetery (2014), The Red Piece (2013), Q61 (2011), We Solo Men (2009)
- Jan Martens Ohm (2010), We Solo Men (2009)
- Johanna Schweer FF+REW 60:00 (revisited) (2018)
- Johanna Tengan FF+REW 60:00 (revisited) (2018)
- Judit Ruiz Onandi Q61 (2011), Co(te)lette film (2010), Ohm (2010), We Solo Men (2009), Co(te)lette (2007), FF+REW 60:00 (2005), Pushing The Wheel (reprise)
- Karlijn Roest Memory Loss (2020)
- Kim Fischer E19 (richting San José) (2006)
- Laila Gozzi Accusation Solo (2017), Accusations (2017)
- Lie Antonissen E19 (richting San José) (2006), FF+REW 60:00 (2005)
- Maxime Abbenhues Memory Loss (2020)
- Pin-Chieh Chen The Red Piece (2013)
- Pol Van den Broek Q61 Cemetery (2014), The Red Piece (2013), We Solo Men (2009), Pushing The Wheel (reprise), Joy Enjoy Joy (2022 – assistant)
- Rex Lobo Quartet with One (2002 – pianist), Hurry up please,… it’s time (2001 – pianist), Annexe (2001 – pianist)
- Samina de Wulf Memory Loss (2020)
- Sophie Janssens Quarted with One (2002)
- Theodossia Stathi Co(te)lette (2007)
- Wolf Govaerts Accusations (2017), The Black Piece (reprise), We Solo Men (reprise)
- Yi-Chun Liu The Red Piece (2013)
- Yvon Plouffe Quartet with One (2002 – percussion)